Productivity, as an opinion.

Escape the shackles of your nine to five.

Katelyn Polich
Nov 12, 2020
Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash

A world of productivity is a harmful one.

There is so much emphasis put on the idea of “adding” something to our reality. I really enjoy reveling in the idea that none of these human actions matter.

Your “productivity” is not adding to the world.

It’s blinding you from what the world around you actually consists of!

As you sit in your office chair crunching the numbers to see how much someone else is going to profit off of your so-called ”productivity”, an entire metaphysical world is buzzing around you.

Look at you, so ignorant, so unaware, too focused on your material additions to society.

You’re not the one to blame. This delusion has lasted generations.

Tell me, when is the last time you felt bliss?
Where were you?
Who was around?
Were you spending your time thinking about how you can be “productive”?

I assume not.

I assume you were thinking of something beautiful. Something that could take you away from the reality that our egoist actions have enslaved us inside of.

Isn’t it weird how we control our destiny, yet we have created and continue to abide by societal norms that make most human beings unhappy?

Truly, tragically miserable.

There is something deep inside screaming out that this is not the way that we were meant to spend our lives on this planet.

What do you think would happen if you listened?

Do you think the world would fall apart, as our anxieties sometimes make things seem? Or would everything go on existing as it always has…



Katelyn Polich

An LA girl in her mid 20’s just paving her way through life. Confused most of the time. Existing as well as she knows how. Novelist.